Help President Obama right now: Share your story : CCC Blog

Help President Obama right now: Share your story

by Triple C (CCC) on 12/02/12

I wanted to share this this letter I received.

I hope you had a lovely holiday and all is well. I'm writing with a quick update on the "fiscal cliff" and how you can get involved.

Right now, President Obama is asking you to think about what $2,000 a year means to you and your family -- because Congress needs to hear it.

The Senate has passed a bill that stops taxes from going up for 98 percent of American families, and asks those who can afford it to pay a little more. If the House follows suit, President Obama is ready to sign it as soon as it hits his desk.

If they fail to do so, a typical middle-class family of four will see their taxes go up by $2,000 in just a few short weeks.

President Obama is asking Congress to do the right thing and act before the New Year, but he needs our help. We've got a good track record here: When we make our voices heard and urge Congress to take action -- whether it's about health care, student loans, Wall Street reform, or "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -- they listen.

Watch this new video about the President's tax plan, and take a moment to share your story: What does $2,000 a year mean to you and your family?

Share Your 2k Story

For more than 19 months, President Obama campaigned on the idea that if we're going to be successful, every American has to do their part and pay their fair share.

A centerpiece of his platform, and the campaign you built, was that income taxes should not go up on the middle class -- that the responsible way to pay down the deficit, while investing in education, job training, research, and science, is to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more.

None of this is a surprise to anyone in Washington. They heard the same arguments we did -- they paid attention to the campaign, and then they saw a clear majority of voters deliver a verdict on November 6th.

If and when the House passes this bill, 98 percent of American families and 97 percent of small businesses will not see a tax increase.

Your story matters and Congress needs to hear it.

Think about what $2,000 a year can do for you, or your family, or someone you know, and submit it here:

Thanks for speaking out. More soon,


Stephanie Cutter
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

P.S. -- We've got to make our voices heard in this debate. Share what $2,000 means to you, and then ask your friends and family to do the same.

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